Mold in carpets is a very common issue in places with high humidity. However, it can happen in any climate and region because mold needs moisture, warmth, and darkness to grow. Carpets are an ideal target. Mold spores get trapped in carpet fibers and grow rapidly. Additionally, the moisture from the air also gets trapped in there. Nonetheless, mold in the carpet is a tricky issue to deal with.

This issue not only damage your carpet but also the surrounding objects. Health issues with mold are also very common and tough to deal with. If you want to know if your carpet is compromised by mold, call a water damage restoration company to identify and remove mold from your home.

Signs of Mold in Carpet

Before it spreads rapidly, mold leaves a few signs that can help you take some measures for its remediation. Look for the following signs and take prompt action to save your carpet and your health.

Damp Odor 

If you have a musty and damp odor lingering in your home, that does not go away, it’s a sign of mold. You might not see any visible mold, but you must’ve noticed that your carpet stinks. This is because the mold in the carpet has started to grow in between the fibers. It’s not visible yet but it’s growing rapidly. 

Dirty Carpet

A dirty carpet is full of dust and bacteria. If you haven’t cleaned your carpet in a long time, and it looks old and rugged, it's moldy too. When there are bacteria, dirt, moisture, and warmth, mold quickly joins the party. Get your carpet cleaned and disinfected straight away.

Damp Spots

Any damp spots on the carpet indicate moisture buildup. If you accidentally spilled some liquid on it and forgot to clean it, it has become a host for mold growth. If you don’t see any visible source of water near your carpet, you have a water leak. Look for all sources of water seepage and leakage before mold grows in your carpet if it already hasn’t. 

Stains and Discoloration 

Unless your carpet is really dirty and old, any unusual or unidentified stains, spots, and discoloration, are a sign of mold growth in your carpet. These spots are not due to a color defect, but rather these are the mold colonies growing and spreading. Get your carpet cleaned by mold experts.

Increased Health Issues

Notice the health of your children and elderly, or people with sensitivity or low immunity. If there have been frequent allergic reactions or illnesses, it’s a sign of mold in your carpet. Runny nose, itchy eyes, skin irritation, and respiratory issues are all common signs of mold allergy. If you have these symptoms and no visible signs of mold, the culprit is hiding in your carpet. 

Causes of Mold Growth in Carpet

Mold can be caused by several reasons. All of these are somehow related to excess moisture in your house. Look for the following causes around your house to locate the source of mold in the carpet:

  • High Humidity in climate is a big factor that causes mold growth in carpet and other places of the house.

  • A water leak in the crawl space allows moisture to absorb in the floor bed and let it make its way to the carpet. This will lead to mold growth.

  • A leak in the roof that lets water drip can be a cause of excess moisture in your indoor air. This moisture allows mold spores to grow in the carpet.

  • Poor ventilation keeps the moist and warm air trapped inside the house. Mold spores also get stuck indoors. When moisture and spores meet in the carpet, they multiply.

  • Water spills that are not treated and cleaned allow moisture to stay in the carpet for a long time. By the time the moisture completely evaporates, mold is already growing.

  • Mold or moisture in the walls or on the floor will ultimately build mold in the carpet as well.

To prevent mold growth in your carpet, look for these causes and eradicate them timely. 

How to Prevent Mold in Carpet

Prevention is always better than cure. It’s important to keep your carpet dry and clean for a longer life span (of the carpet). Additionally, make sure you run a dehumidifier in the house at least twice a week. Fix any water leaks and all other sources of excess moisture in the house. Taking these precautionary measures will help you prevent mold growth in your carpet.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Carpet

Never deal with mold unless you’re trained and have PPE. Protect yourself first and then handle any item with mold on it. The first step in dealing with mold is to inspect the affected carpet. The mold that has spread to the base of the carpet is beyond repair. However, if it’s still on the surface or between the fibers, you can still take some action to save your carpet. Follow the steps given below to get rid of mold in the carpet:

  1. Take the Carpet Outdoor

Remove the carpet from the floor and take it outdoors or in a well-ventilated place. Allow the sunlight to kill the mold before you apply any cleaning agents. If the carpet cannot be removed or taken outside, open all windows and ventilate the room with mold-affected carpet.

  1. Dry Out the Moisture

Before you do anything, it's important to remove moisture from the carpet. Doing so will stop the mold spores from multiplying and spreading. This way, your cleaning solutions will work more effectively and efficiently.

  1. Brush the Carpet

Brush the carpet if it’s completely dry. Doing so will remove the fuzzy growth and visible mold from the carpet. This step will make the following process easy and neatly executed.

  1. Apply a Cleaning Solution

You can use a store-bought mold-killing spray to remove fungus from your carpet. If you want to go all DIY, you can use household remedies. Borax, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and bleach are excellent mold killers. Apply any one of these and let it sit for 30 minutes or until it's dry.

  1. Scrub and Sprinkle Baking Soda

Once the solution is dry, Scrub the carpet once more to remove any spores or mold residue. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda to remove any excess moisture. Scrub after a few hours and you’re good to go. 


Reading the article might trick you into thinking that it’s an easy task. Well if you are dealing with a small rug, it’s fine. But if you have mold in the carpet, you cannot remove it without the help of experts. To avoid risking your health and spreading the mold, contact a mold removal company at the first signs of mold.